Valentine's Day Workouts For Couples
Check out some great exercises you can do as a team Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and for most people that means a romantic dinner and gifts of chocolate, candy, or other sugar-filled sweets. But you aren't most people, and doubling your daily intake of sugar isn't your idea of a good time. Still, you want to keep this Valentine's Day romantic, right? You just want to do it on your terms. At Promax, we get where you're coming from. No need to sacrifice a nice intimate evening just because you don't fall into the “chocolate roses” target demographic. So we've put together a list of some of the best exercises you can do together on Valentine's Day, in place of
all those empty calories.
- We'll start off slow with the dynamic lunge. Stand facing your partner, about an arm's length apart, and hold each other's hands. Romantic, right? Lunge forward with your right leg as your partner lunges backward with their left leg. Reverse the motion, lunging backward with your right leg as your partner lunges forward with their left. Not incredibly challenging, but lunges are one of those exercises every beginner thinks they've got down, until they actually try them.
- Next we have the wheelbarrow pushup, which allows one of you to work on your upper body, while the other works leg muscles, and you both work your core. Start at the top of a pushup, and have your partner hold your feet in their hands. Brace your core, and do as many pushups as you can while maintaining your form. As you lower yourself down, your partner should simultaneously lower into a squat, keeping his or her arms straight. And once you're done? Switch it up and hold onto your partner's legs while they do pushups.
- You can also try the pull and release seated row. For this one, you'll need the complicated piece of workout equipment known as a beach towel. Sit facing your partner with the bottom of your feet touching, knees slightly bent. Each of you will grasp one end of the towel, and perform a back and forth tug of war, keeping your back straight and maintaining good posture. Pull the towel into your midsection, and then squeeze your lats hard as your partner begins to pull in the opposite direction. Use a three-count to coordinate your pull and release.
- Time to congratulate yourselves for not giving in to the societal pressures to buy chocolate and other sweets on Valentine's Day. Face your partner, arm's length apart, and get in pushup position. Do a pushup, push back to starting position, and reach out and give your partner a high five. You deserve it.
So you've made it through Valentine's Day your way. They told you that you had to buy chocolate and sit on the couch sipping wine, but you've beat them at their own game. After you've worked up a sweat with your partner, you'll need something to refuel your bodies and keep you going. So check out
Promax's full line of protein bars today!